Pretty neat Courage game. I couldn't get past the room with the chairs, maybe that's all there is for now, or maybe there's more and I just couldn't find it. Either way, it was a pretty small, but enjoyable experience. Very creepy. I loved the texture design of the environment and Courage himself.
alright the goddamn invisible maze got me no where every fucking vid i watch they be modding the fuckin game who ever made that invisible maze should be fuckin fired but hey in general its a good game
I get the entire ARG nature of this, but Jeez some of this sort of feels overly complicated. I wish there would have been a "game first" and "Arg" second. It kind of just feels like the whole thing is just centered around the ARG which makes trying to enjoy it as a game a little less fun when you almost instantly have to start solving insanely complex puzzles.
Overall though, it's super good. Like, an amazing ARG. Really fun and well thought out.
You gotta go to the local disc, click on users, click your user, show hidden files, appdata, theres a file called CourageOW, click on it, then click on Saved, Click on SaveGames, and then, delete the only file in that file.
I checked the files and I found this unknown ending that shows wheeler glitching the cartridge and another [DATA MISSING] screen. But the screen is unfinished and both the ending and the screen have been deleted. I don’t know where they are now…
pedazo de basura aun con todo el esfuerzo e intuición te van a mandar a un lugar oscuro donde no veras nada y te caes y cada vez que caes te cierra el juego si quieres grabarlo como gameplay no lo hagas
piece of garbage even with all the effort and intuition they will send you to a dark place where you will not see anything and you fall and every time you fall the game closes if you want to record it as gameplay don't do it
dO you really think this game is only "a feW crashes" " A few missing data pages" no its not, it's actually the craziest game ever if you played the game instead of complaining.
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Can anybody help with getting ReShade to work? It only shows a black screen when I turn on depth display
When you find a dead end Just erase time
She followed the rules He broke the rules The O██ W███ was all the way to the right
Pretty neat Courage game. I couldn't get past the room with the chairs, maybe that's all there is for now, or maybe there's more and I just couldn't find it. Either way, it was a pretty small, but enjoyable experience. Very creepy. I loved the texture design of the environment and Courage himself.
That's only the start, in that roomthe grandma died
I don't know what to do I was playing the other night, I clicked on the Muriel funeral thing, and now I cannot get in. Help please
I FIGURED SOME OF IT OUT!!!!! (towards the end of the video)
There are birds chirping in one of the walls...
there in the walls there in the god daman walls!!
its kinda
funnycreepyI hope you just got bored of it and not dealing with some life stuff.
Or ded..
Happy Thanksgiving!
alright the goddamn invisible maze got me no where every fucking vid i watch they be modding the fuckin game who ever made that invisible maze should be fuckin fired but hey in general its a good game
she followed the rules he didn't the old wind was to the right.ojala lo continuen! 😊👍
Really hope more comes from this, this had a lot of potential.
O w is old wind
nah really?
come back!!!!
I get the entire ARG nature of this, but Jeez some of this sort of feels overly complicated. I wish there would have been a "game first" and "Arg" second. It kind of just feels like the whole thing is just centered around the ARG which makes trying to enjoy it as a game a little less fun when you almost instantly have to start solving insanely complex puzzles.
Overall though, it's super good. Like, an amazing ARG. Really fun and well thought out.
The Readme.txt file said"
When you find a dead end
Just erase time" Does anyone Know what that Means
it means delete the save file because the time you spent in the game turns into the save file as soon you exit
Mr. Weeler was there to greet me...
...father wasn't home,
it was her, Elenor
How do you reset the game? I wanted to restart the whole thing and I don't know how to do that, if you can.
I'm wondering the exact same thing.
You gotta go to the local disc, click on users, click your user, show hidden files, appdata, theres a file called CourageOW, click on it, then click on Saved, Click on SaveGames, and then, delete the only file in that file.
bro this game have more secrets1
Scary game!
I asked Mr. Dil if he had a picture of Robert Winthrop and he answered that unfortunately, he didn't have it.
I checked the files and I found this unknown ending that shows wheeler glitching the cartridge and another [DATA MISSING] screen. But the screen is unfinished and both the ending and the screen have been deleted. I don’t know where they are now…
yeah I ain't got enough courage to play this
*laugh track*
pedazo de basura aun con todo el esfuerzo e intuición te van a mandar a un lugar oscuro donde no veras nada y te caes y cada vez que caes te cierra el juego si quieres grabarlo como gameplay no lo hagas
piece of garbage even with all the effort and intuition they will send you to a dark place where you will not see anything and you fall and every time you fall the game closes if you want to record it as gameplay don't do it
what the dawg doin?
i'd download but uhh im scared my computer will dieShow post...
it will not die, it's just a
canceled ps1gameas a courage fan i must say i love this game
Hoo boy, this comment section is a mess.
If you guys can’t dish out an update for this year’s Halloween then this “game” is as good as dead.
dO you really think this game is only "a feW crashes" " A few missing data pages" no its not, it's actually the craziest game ever if you played the game instead of complaining.
is this a horror game or a real prototype
how do i make a good arg
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is fake 😒
what do you mean "is fake"? curious...
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beacuse this game does no exist do you see any commercial of the game in the e3, i was all fake! is maded in unity 3d!
its an arg game, it was never supposed to be real :/
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I Know That Is A Reality Alternative Game ;)
Why make a thread blowing it then?
no... if you go into the files it's made with UE4. plus a game can exist without a E3 Trailer...
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oh thanks i thinking i was made in unity and thanks for the e3 trailer you just to make 1 of this