Very fun, loved the Courage model and menu music. The "other" parts of the game make it a unique experience and good for a quick nostalgia trip to the ps1 era.
I think using the harvest moon episode with e flouting head was deliberate because that episode foucsed on things like planting, gardeing, growing ect, and that does make me think of 'learn the way of the old wind.' like in a themeatic way.
It was just some creepypasta. You cannot port a game to windows without source code or reverse engineering, which in its own right takes vigorous effort. It's ok if you ask me.
The discord link seems to be broken (or at least I'm getting "Invalid Invite" screens). Has this been solved already? The message at the top makes it seem like there's nothing more to be found right now, but I'm not sure how true that is. Is there a subreddit, or a phpbb somewhere?
when i finished the game i deleted but when i installed it to play it again it just kept popping up data missing screen so i dont know what to do to fix this.
I really enjoyed playing this! I've personally never watched Courage the Cowardly Dog, but I still wanted to play it and when I figured out there was lore to this game, I had to dive in. Like I said I don't know anything about Courage (I'm sorry, I'm Dutch and for some reason it just wasn't as popular here), but I'm a big sucker for lore so I installed Reshade, tried to get it to work for 50 minutes and kept on exploring. I ended up finding one of the missing data pieces, but right as I thought I was special and did a thing, I noticed other people had already found it...
None the less I absolutely love games like these! I wish there was more games that have as much lore and a community trying to get to the bottom of it.
I really love the concept of a cursed Courage game filled with secrets, I didn't encounter any unintentional bugs or problems and the game ran very smooth! I don't know what more to say about it then that it's a very well made game!
Last but not least I hope everyone in the community as well as the devs are having a lot of fun with this game and all of it's lore. I would love to join in on the fun, but since I don't know anything about Courage I would be a completely useless asset and probably become that YouTuber who accidentally steals everyone else's credits for finding secrets that were already found hahaha
So after completing this game I would say its a bit janky probably due to the games age and the amateur porting but ovrall its a good experience that really falls in line with the themes and tones original coirage show and tells a new story based off of that that will delight new and old courage fans. Thank you for porting this. very awesome port, 8.4/10.
Revisited 3 years later , happy birthday coirage, i have decided this port is only 6.4/10 sorry porter.
Nice of ya to show ppl how to add reshade. I use reshade with most old or new games that try to have an old look (low poly games). Im always happy to see someone use or show ppl reshade.
Does anyone know if there is a connection to the Luna Cult album? or am I a bit behind on this? It's like just this metal band but Idk if there might be something in it that may help.
I dug through a bunch of the songs, but the only one on the album with lyrics is "Last Will and Testament" The lyrics are as follows:
The parchment of my flesh must break The winter winds my soul doth take And all beneath the heavens lies in peace A world will form and fade away The crystal dawn of the final day Breaks upon the shores of death's release Bring me my flesh and blood On land, the sky, the sea And light a raging fire upon the hearth Gather round 'neath the cloak of time And drink a toast to these Our final days upon this earth We made the deserts from the gardens of our youth We spewed our blackened hearts into the sea Through darkened skies and poisoned clouds We blindly grope for truth We couldn't see the forest for the trees To my wretched son I leave this gun To slaughter all your race For this, the beast you have become I have no longer taste And daughter fair with burning hair The swamp of life be thine And watch as e'en the great will mate With the lowliest of swine To breed the sons, the greed and scum Of this your ravaged land All my estates, both small and great Shall fall beneath your hand
But I don't think there is much relevance that I see, but someone else may see something of use.
To all the Youtubers who constantly post their videos endlessly on every even moderately popular game page without once ever adding any sort of insightful commentary or critique:
I wish I could gather all of you up in a room, sit you down and then slowly and very carefully explain to you why it's cringe and why you should stop. Especially the ones that plaster their face-cam in one of the corners and doubly so for the ones who make titlecards where they do some variation of the 😱 face. Stop screaming, stop overacting, stop making stupid faces and most of all stop trying desperately to be funny when you don't actually have anything funny to say.
I see one youtuber who always post their gameplay video here. You'll know it when he post. he always says "hilarious new video up on this game check it out you will cry laughing!"
Nah you just seem sour. YouTubers use it to grow their platform and if the game developers felt like they didn't want that in their comments they could easily turn it off. Stop being negative to people for no reason. That's cringe.
What is your resolution set to? That error can sometimes be the result of a rendering scale issue where the game is expecting a certain frame format but the screen is set to another. For instance looking below at your laptop specs it seems like it's a somewhat old laptop, is it running at a non-16:9 resolution or below 1080p?
Yeah, so there is no way for me to know for certain, but what I'm guessing is that the game has hardcoded resolution constraints and 1366x768 isn't viable because it's not a true 16:9 resolution (it's an approximation that comes close to 16:9, but it's more like 16.008:9). Trying changing your resolution to 1280x720 or if your laptop supports it try setting it to 1920x1080 and then try and my guess is it will work.
On the second part in the black and white room with the chairs, instead of going back after completing the puzzle, I fell. When I rebooted the game though, the living room was completely empty and instead of going into the attic scene, I stayed in the hallway. When I went downstairs, I saw the grandfather clock in the middle of the living room. after that, the game just closed out.
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Very good!
nossa gostei
Tried out the Courage video game, not what I expected.
what da dog doin
Love to see shelved/canceled projects given new life. Great work!
Very fun, loved the Courage model and menu music. The "other" parts of the game make it a unique experience and good for a quick nostalgia trip to the ps1 era.
just askin, do you have any teasers to give to us?
I couldn't believe all the things you have to do to beat this game.
It was worth it though thank you for bringing some nostalgia :D.
I think using the harvest moon episode with e flouting head was deliberate because that episode foucsed on things like planting, gardeing, growing ect, and that does make me think of 'learn the way of the old wind.' like in a themeatic way.
This game is so creepy.
is there a fourth data missing?
No. Just 3.
I tried to download it and it deleted Its self idk why pls tell me how I can fix this
Its probably has something to do with your virus guard as this game is an executable.
yes , 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
how do i do this?
Do you want the 4th Secret or the third ?
It was just some creepypasta. You cannot port a game to windows without source code or reverse engineering, which in its own right takes vigorous effort. It's ok if you ask me.
I'm sure it is, but the description does say "game project", which would imply the "found" game included source code.
Well this was a fun game was not expecting that at all grate game I recommend playing this game!
This is Courage the cowardly dog👍
Reminds me a bit of Squidward's Suicide creepy pasta, this is meta AF.
This is everything I found on my own (No Commentary)
C:\Users\(USERS)\AppData\Local\CourageOW\Saved\SaveGames then delete the save game
The discord link seems to be broken (or at least I'm getting "Invalid Invite" screens). Has this been solved already? The message at the top makes it seem like there's nothing more to be found right now, but I'm not sure how true that is. Is there a subreddit, or a phpbb somewhere?
The secret fourth data missing screen/j
when i finished the game i deleted but when i installed it to play it again it just kept popping up data missing screen so i dont know what to do to fix this.
Hey is there anyway to play this on mac? Wineskin wont work, and I don't want to have to dual boot windows.
Hello! How do i get to the menu of the game? I've been trying to get to the menu again to quit.
Just press alt + f4 and the program will close.
I pressed alt + f4 many times and it isn't working, is there another way to close the tab?
(don't reply to this, I found out how to exit it all those months ago)
try first to press alt + tab to select the window and then press alt + f4, i tried it and it worked
Short tutorial: How To Delete Data Missing Screen.
I really enjoyed playing this! I've personally never watched Courage the Cowardly Dog, but I still wanted to play it and when I figured out there was lore to this game, I had to dive in. Like I said I don't know anything about Courage (I'm sorry, I'm Dutch and for some reason it just wasn't as popular here), but I'm a big sucker for lore so I installed Reshade, tried to get it to work for 50 minutes and kept on exploring. I ended up finding one of the missing data pieces, but right as I thought I was special and did a thing, I noticed other people had already found it...
None the less I absolutely love games like these! I wish there was more games that have as much lore and a community trying to get to the bottom of it.
I really love the concept of a cursed Courage game filled with secrets, I didn't encounter any unintentional bugs or problems and the game ran very smooth! I don't know what more to say about it then that it's a very well made game!
Last but not least I hope everyone in the community as well as the devs are having a lot of fun with this game and all of it's lore. I would love to join in on the fun, but since I don't know anything about Courage I would be a completely useless asset and probably become that YouTuber who accidentally steals everyone else's credits for finding secrets that were already found hahaha
So after completing this game I would say its a bit janky probably due to the games age and the amateur porting but ovrall its a good experience that really falls in line with the themes and tones original coirage show and tells a new story based off of that that will delight new and old courage fans. Thank you for porting this. very awesome port, 8.4/10.Revisited 3 years later , happy birthday coirage, i have decided this port is only 6.4/10 sorry porter.
when you go in the difrent dimens in the two qustion marks you spawn on do all the chairs exept2 and then do the ones you spawn on in a order
What an elf dog
Reshade Short Tutorial:
Nice of ya to show ppl how to add reshade. I use reshade with most old or new games that try to have an old look (low poly games). Im always happy to see someone use or show ppl reshade.
It didn't work for me for some reason now i have to do the path literally blinded
nvm then i got it to work
Does anyone know if there is a connection to the Luna Cult album? or am I a bit behind on this? It's like just this metal band but Idk if there might be something in it that may help.
Is there a line in the lyrics saying " Learn the old way of the wind"?
I dug through a bunch of the songs, but the only one on the album with lyrics is "Last Will and Testament" The lyrics are as follows:
The parchment of my flesh must break
The winter winds my soul doth take
And all beneath the heavens lies in peace
A world will form and fade away
The crystal dawn of the final day
Breaks upon the shores of death's release
Bring me my flesh and blood
On land, the sky, the sea
And light a raging fire upon the hearth
Gather round 'neath the cloak of time
And drink a toast to these
Our final days upon this earth
We made the deserts from the gardens of our youth
We spewed our blackened hearts into the sea
Through darkened skies and poisoned clouds
We blindly grope for truth
We couldn't see the forest for the trees
To my wretched son I leave this gun
To slaughter all your race
For this, the beast you have become
I have no longer taste
And daughter fair with burning hair
The swamp of life be thine
And watch as e'en the great will mate
With the lowliest of swine
To breed the sons, the greed and scum
Of this your ravaged land
All my estates, both small and great
Shall fall beneath your hand
But I don't think there is much relevance that I see, but someone else may see something of use.
To all the Youtubers who constantly post their videos endlessly on every even moderately popular game page without once ever adding any sort of insightful commentary or critique:
I wish I could gather all of you up in a room, sit you down and then slowly and very carefully explain to you why it's cringe and why you should stop. Especially the ones that plaster their face-cam in one of the corners and doubly so for the ones who make titlecards where they do some variation of the 😱 face. Stop screaming, stop overacting, stop making stupid faces and most of all stop trying desperately to be funny when you don't actually have anything funny to say.
Damn, chill
Incredibly insightful commentary, on par with the brilliant minds of our great Youtube gaming creators.
I see one youtuber who always post their gameplay video here. You'll know it when he post. he always says "hilarious new video up on this game check it out you will cry laughing!"
Totally cringe
this whole paragraph is cringe.
You seem upset. Hit a little too close to home for you, huh?
Nah you just seem sour. YouTubers use it to grow their platform and if the game developers felt like they didn't want that in their comments they could easily turn it off. Stop being negative to people for no reason. That's cringe.
I agree with you, they're like mosquitos trying to suck a bit of notoriety from free itch games
the discord link is kill, can we get a fresh one?
Replaced it! Try the new one!
what the f**k in the discord is kill!!???!?!???
Im the fake 'iwangaming' btw i writed this lol.
In the computer room
I got so scared i droped my drink lol
Hello! how i can fix this error?
the game opens, i hear the main menu song but the game is just black screen, and is not respond.what's your spec? that happen to me on my low end pc
I5 M450 2,4GHZ
AMD RADEON HD 5000 series
What is your resolution set to? That error can sometimes be the result of a rendering scale issue where the game is expecting a certain frame format but the screen is set to another. For instance looking below at your laptop specs it seems like it's a somewhat old laptop, is it running at a non-16:9 resolution or below 1080p?
1366x768 16:9
Yeah, so there is no way for me to know for certain, but what I'm guessing is that the game has hardcoded resolution constraints and 1366x768 isn't viable because it's not a true 16:9 resolution (it's an approximation that comes close to 16:9, but it's more like 16.008:9). Trying changing your resolution to 1280x720 or if your laptop supports it try setting it to 1920x1080 and then try and my guess is it will work.
I dont think it will work, is an peformance (low specs) issue.
On the second part in the black and white room with the chairs, instead of going back after completing the puzzle, I fell. When I rebooted the game though, the living room was completely empty and instead of going into the attic scene, I stayed in the hallway. When I went downstairs, I saw the grandfather clock in the middle of the living room. after that, the game just closed out.