Figured out what the higher question mark in the chair area is. If you do the first 3 chairs normally and then use the high question mark and then continue from the 5th chair the puzzle will complete normally. Not sure what comes after that
Wait, what? I just confirmed that this works. Not sure why though. Might have something to do with the possible letter inputs. Maybe after each letter you need to hit the higher question mark to "lock in" the letter or something? The first 3 chairs seem to make the letter V though, and that isn't in the phrase OLDWIND, so I'm at a loss. Here's an image of the chair puzzle I made btw. Might help.
Edit: Messed around with it some more and couldn't get it to make a correct noise except during that very specific circumstance. Makes me think that it's just an accidental duplicate of the 4th chair's question mark. Has the same height and everything. Would explain why it disappears after the puzzle is complete since all of them do. Still no answer for what the lower question mark is though.
the accidental duplicate of the 4th chair is exactly the conclusion i came too, hopefully we're both wrong and it actually does something because that's kinda lame :(
By editing the sav file to use the phrase "Do You", you'll appear in a greybox version of the house. Not sure what to do yet. Seems like the only thing you can interact with is the computer over and over.
We already knew most of the sav phrases, so I started up the game and on the main menu used cheat engine to search for any uses of one of those strings and looked around in the memory nearby to find it.
As for editing the sav file, you can use a hex editor like HxD to open the file and near the bottom you'll find an English string depending on which part of the game you're at. New saves don't have these strings, so you'll have to get to another scene like the void room with the hidden paths (the string will be "The Time") and edit the file then.
Can I ask you what you mean with "editing the sav file"? Did you Just write the words in the save file in a specific Place or have you done something else?
You can use a hex editor like HxD to open the file and near the bottom you'll find an English string depending on which part of the game you're at. New saves don't have these strings, so you'll have to get to another scene like the void room with the hidden paths (the string will be "The Time") and edit the file then.
I'm a touch closer than anything listed here to finding the secret fifth .sav ending. Got the first middle question mark, in the circle chairs room, to not make the "wrong answer" sound. I need a break though... feels like I've been at this for 24 hours
To sum up where we are so far and what has yet to be figured out...
// spoilers
I am going to assume that you're able to figure out the house intro and chair puzzle on your own for this summary.
First, I'm gonna talk about the sav files. You can find your save file at C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\CourageOW\Saved\SaveGames . When the game crashes at various points, it'll update the Courage.sav file so that next time you start the game, you'll be in the new location. If you open the sav files in a hex editor, most are pretty much identical except for an English string at the bottom. So far the strings we've found are "The Time", "Was Good", "I Don't", and "When The World". We haven't figured out what to do with these strings yet.
The intro screen when you load a new save file tells us that there are 3 data missing scenes to find. We have found all 3.
An interesting note about the sav files of the 3 data missing scenes is that before the usual string, all of them contain the strings "And Fair?" and "BeforeTheStorm". We also haven't figured out what to do with these.
The first data missing screen was found by Bryce Bucher. To find it, complete the house intro and chair puzzle as normal. Then go through the hidden wall (follow the bird sounds) and jump off the side. You will spawn in the house with no furniture. The sav file for this scene contains the string "Was Good". Optionally, you can choose to wait here and you'll eventually hear some Morse code. Otherwise, go upstairs, interact with the door, and then when you go back downstairs there will be a grandfather clock in the middle of the room. Be sure to JUMP OVER THE RAILING into the room instead of just walking down the stairs. If you just walk down the stairs, the clock will chime 12 times and the game will crash. However, if you jump over the railing, the clock won't start chiming and you can interact with the door in the back of the house to get the first data missing screen.
The Morse code during this sequence translates to "Learn The Way Of The Old Wind". We don't know what this means yet, but it is worth noting that the phrase "Old Wind" is pretty important. The game itself is called CourageOW (we think OW stands for Old Wind) and there is also a file in CourageOW/PortFiles/Data/Logs/..txt that says "She followed the rules He broke the rules The O██ W███ was all the way to the right". And we believe the censored words are Old Wind. Side note: If you open the README file it says "When you find a dead end Just erase time", but we're pretty sure that just means that when your save is unusable (you found a data missing screen), delete your sav file.
The second and third data missing screens are both found by going to the end of the two hidden paths in the void room. To get to the void room, do the house intro and chair puzzle and then go to the end of the hidden wall path to interact with a hidden ? . Then go north of the chairs to find a portrait of Muriel and interact with it. After the game crashes, you'll spawn in the void room. The sav string for this room is "The Time".
In this room, there are two invisible paths off the NW and SE of the start. As found by duckenheimer, if you run the background music through a spectrogram, you'll get a map of the invisible paths. However, they're incredibly difficult to follow with lots of turns and long paths in the dark. TheBeardeDude found that you can use a program called Reshade to see the invisible paths by shading the display depth.
Following the SE path, you'll end up at a light that, when interacted with, will teleport you to a pitch black room with a locked camera. If you walk forward, you'll find the front face of the house (kind of like a cardboard cutout of the front of the house) and behind it is a portrait of Robert Wheeler. Interacting with that will crash your game and update your sav file with the string "I Don't". You'll spawn in the house, but it's very dark. Going upstairs will start a cutscene of a ghost creature (with I believe Robert Wheeler's face) moving towards you. Then you get the next data missing screen.
Following the NW path, you'll end up at the chair under the spotlight. Interacting with it will crash your game and update your sav file with the string "When the World". You'll spawn in the house with a bunch of coins scattered about. Collecting some of them will slow the music and some HUD with Muriel as player 2 will appear. Then, after collecting all the coins, her portrait will darken and the music will slow even more. Then the game crashes and the last data missing screen appears.
If you brighten the 3 data missing images, there are hidden phrases that says "Father wasn't home", "Mr Wheeler was there to greet me", and "It was her Eleanor". We don't know what to do with these yet either.
I'm sure there is more stuff in the game since if you open the .pak file in a hex editor, you'll find references to a sprite called "OldWindPendant" which we haven't found yet. The only place in the game that I can think of that hasn't been full explored yet is in the chair puzzle room, there is an invisible ? near where you spawn. (There are actually 2 there when you spawn, but the higher one disappears after you do the chair puzzle which leads me to believe that the higher one is actually the one behind the hidden wall that moves after the puzzle is completed). We don't know what the lower ? at the beginning does.
Edit: I realized that the OldWindPendant sprite may actually be referring to the coins. With that in mind, the design on the coins is the same as the design on the floor under the chair puzzle. It's possible to use this design to spell out the letters OLDWIND by selecting the chairs in the right order. However, it's not easy to figure out what that order is since there are chairs missing, and the starting point for each letter is unclear.
If anyone is able to figure the order out, leave a comment! It may also have something to do with the invisible ? at the beginning.
Edit2: Editing the sav file to use the phrase "Remember" loads (what seems to be) a new save instead of hanging on the loading screen. Because of that, I'm pretty sure the full phrase relating to the sav files is "Remember The Time BeforeTheStorm When The World Was Good And Fair? I Don't". Tried editing the sav file to use that phrase, but it just loads the same as a "Remember" sav since I think the way the save system works is that it checks from the beginning of the string and loads whichever phrase comes first. So, we also need to figure out what to do with that phrase.
Edit3: Sometimes the sav file from the 2nd data missing screen will also include the word "No", so it's possible that that word is included in the phrase.
Edit4: NeitherNathan has just posted on Twitter that there will be an update to the "port". It's possible that we've discovered all there is to see in the current version due to the phrasing in the follow up tweet that says "I can't believe you all discovered everything so fast", but I think there's still a bit to figure out with the OLDWIND chair input, invisible ?, and sav phrase.
For anyone unfamiliar with ReShade, here's a quick tutorial on how to get the shader effects needed to take on the void map: - download ReShade from their site at
- run the installer, and "Click here to select a game and manage its ReShade installation"
- click Browse and select the .exe located in the Binaries folder: - when asked to select a rendering API, choose Direct3D 10/11/12
- SweetFX should be selected by default, but in case it isn't make sure it's selected before pressing OK, and OK again to confirm the shaders included. ReShade is now installed!
- Run CourageOW and start up the void map. You should see a ReShade banner on-screen now. Press Home to open ReShade and skip the tutorial to show the list of available shaders. Select DisplayDepth (DisplayDepth.fx).
- This only seems to work in windowed mode, so if your game is fullscreen press F11 to switch and that should work:
You can also get a little bit more screen space by switching "Show Both (Vertical 50/50)" to "Normal Map".
I was trying to piece together the sav phrases and came up with "The time before the storm, when the world was good and fair? I don't [remember it]", so I tried a sav file with "Remember It" and it worked. Then I found out that the phrase is just "Remember" and you can type anything after the phrase and it'll still accept it. Also just found out that sometimes the sav file for the 2nd missing data screen includes the word "No", so the complete phrase may include that as well.
(Edit) Talking about the lore of the game, i think that using the cheat engine and spectrogram to see the street in the dark room with the chair so "Think outside the box" is a reference to a specific episode where Courage and Muriel got sucked into Computer when he had a virus. I use He because the Computer in the series have an Identity, he can talk and give advice to Courage. In that episode Courage become 3D model in a creepy way. Another detail is that when he got destroyed by the minions of the Virus, Courage "Think outside the box" and transform the bit that compose himself into a spike mace club to bonk all the evil minions of Virus. It's just a theory but i'think it's funny. Hard drive dog is the name of the episode. Season 3, episode 4.
On 18/08/2021 a guy called TheBeardeDude was able to use reshade to make visible the way to go to the chair . After that, the game crashes and when you re-open it you go back to the home when there are coins, and after you collect a certain number of them a second player enters that has the same image of Muriel that you could find at the second stage ( that one with the chairs ) and when you collect all of them you get a data missing image. That when increasing the contrast you see this
if you wanna kinda cheat there is a way with reshade to see the pattern of the room with the 2 dot of lights. just use reshade on the game and turn on displaydepth.(discovered by a fan of that is
Using this method, I got the next data missing screen.
// spoilers
If you take the path to the right, you'll eventually get to a light that teleports you to a dark room. If you walk straight through the dark room, you'll come across this house
You have to go around the back, and you'll find this image of Eustace
Interacting with it will crash your game and next time you spawn you'll be in a dark version of the house (I have a copy of this save file)
Going upstairs, you'll get a cutscene of a ghost thing running at you
And then you get the 2nd data missing (I have a copy of this save file too). If you brighten the image, you get the message "Mr. Wheeler was there to greet me"
The sav string for the dark house is "I Don't" and the data missing sav has the same "And Fair? BeforeTheStorm" string that the other data missing sav has before the I Don't string.
Interestingly, if you try to change the sav file of any of the missing data savs, most strings will load with the "it was her Eleanor" data missing scene. My guess is that this data missing scene is also the fallback for any corrupted savs that include the BeforeTheStorm bit.
AppData is a hidden folder by default, so you either need to enable showing hidden folders in windows or type %appdata% into your windows search bar to open it up.
I'm trying to get past the area with all of the chairs in the circle. Is there anything specific I need to do? I also read something in a readme file that said if you come to a dead end then rewind time. How do you do that? Any help would be appreciated as I'm trying to find the seemingly inaccessible levels that you mentioned.
Thanks for the tip. It's a little harder than I expected. Can you give me a hint on where on the line to start and which direction it goes? I tried multiple times but can't get past it.
sorry, I've read right now. Anyway, if you still need it... You have to follow to interact with the chairs following the line inside the circle. First interact with the chair at the beginning of the first segment, then with the chair at the end of the first segment, then follow the second segment and so on, until you interact with the chair at the end of the last segment. Sorry, i don't know how to be clearer than this
I Found the Same [MISSING DATA] Room everyone here is also talking about. Here's how to get to it, Make sure to follow EXACTLY.
Once in the room without furniture, wait until the music stops completely before using the door upstairs, Once it stops, Use the door. Next head downstairs by JUMPING OVER THE RAILING of the stair case and head to the door behind the clock in the back on the right. It is important that the clock does not start chiming, jumping over the railing does not cause it to chime.
I also am making a series on this on my channel and the first video will be uploaded soon whenever I find time.
I found the data missing one in the Was Good room, altho I was not able to recreate it. The save file had new words in it. I am guessing you have to formulate the words in the save file into a full sentence to access new room(s). Maybe it is how you fix the data missing room(s)? I am going to be so I wont be trying it now.
Also the game never tells you that you are looking for muriel and eustac specifically, it says "Find Them" and shows 3 dog paws that are next to courage's icon.
We can easily assume that muriel and eustace take up 2 of those 3 dog prints. There is also supposedly 3 data missing rooms with a logical way to access. It is fun exploring this game and figuring out the puzzles, but none of it compares to how much I wonder what/who the 3rd missing person is
I noticed the background music on the level with the chair in the spotlight sounded like the outro to an Aphex Twin song. So I recorded it and ran it through an audio spectrum visualizer, hoping there would be hidden information in the audio.
Not sure if it's actually a map of the area or something else yet.
More interesting notes, in the save files there are various little sentence fragments that can be assembled to form the sentence "Before The Storm The Time Was Good And Fair?" I have no idea what this information could be useful for but I reckon it'd be appropriate to share.
Found a [DATA MISSING] room. Here are the steps: 1. Go through the motions in the original house on a fresh save.
2. Do the chair pentagram puzzle thingy.
3. Go into the hallway with the bird sounds (behind invisible wall).
4. Fall off the edge WITHOUT interacting with the question mark at the end of the bird hallway (I'm not entirely sure you don't have to press the question mark, but it worked for me).
5. Once the game closes open it back up and you will be in the living room without any furniture. At this point, wait around until some morse code plays and the music stops. (btw the morse code translates to "Learn The Way Of The Old Wind").
6.After the music stops go upstairs and interact with the door and go back down, there should now be a clock in the middle of the living room. Walk around it and interact with the green door at the back of the room. You will now be at a screen that says [DATA MISSING]. Idk what to do past this. You have to delete your save to return.
Awesome find! Following your instructions, I wasn't able to interact with the door though. The clock just chimes 12 times and then the game crashes and goes back as if it were a new save.
I think you have to interact with the door on the second floor after waiting for the music to fade out, then when the clock appears interact with the back door before it starts chiming.
I'm stuck on the pitch black room with a spot light on the player, and in the distance a spot light on a chair. I can see a path that leads away from the starting point in the NW direction but I don't get how you are supposed to figure out where the bend in the path is. I have two guesses as to where the path is but I just always fall. See the picture.
I've been able to reach much further on the right path, a text file in the logs folder led me to the right, its very difficult to stay straight on the path due to the camera control however i did see a glimpse of another area down the right path the chair may be a red herring
Yeah, I've seen that as well. If you line yourself with the middle of the other path and use q to make sure you're going in a straight path and keep jumping as you go forward you'll have some weird timed jumps and eventually see something slightly off to the left side of the screen as you start to fall into the abyss.
oh i hadnt even tried jumping, ive been facing back to the starting circle to judge distance and have a pretty good idea of the limit of that path. im taking a break for now so maybe a jump from that end could lead to something. the note in the logs folder leads me to believe right is the correct path but the "she followed the rules; he broke the rules" could also mean that courage (he) is meant to "break the rules" and go down the left path
yea your right! I was finally able to line myself up with the "right" path (SE direction from the start) and counted my steps from the point I left the spot light and counted 35 "waddles". By waddles I mean the number of times his head bobs to the side wile walking. Another way to get yourself lined up correctly is to go down the "left" path 25 waddles with the camera facing the spot light, then go back without turning the camera. Then stand at the edge of the spotlight on the "right" side and count 35 waddles and stop. this is as far down that path as I have gotten. facing away from the spotlight in the direction courage is facing then jumping off at that point I do see something on my left.
Also, duckenheimer pointed out that you can use a spectrogram app and put it up to your speaker and you get a map. Lets use the waddle technique to count how many waddles until each turn on the map. The thing you are seeing to the left (as shown in the video) is probably the exit arrow on the map.
EDIT: The start square is 10 waddles.
EDIT 2: I can confirm the map is legit although graphically its not 1-1 pixel perfect. 17 waddles left, 14 forward, 10 waddles left seems to work so far. I haven’t tested Right yet.
Amazing work! I'm currently trying to walk the right path however im having a hard time counting waddles so im using a stopwatch on my phone as a metric. So far it seems the first section of the right path falls off pretty much right at 15 seconds from the edge of the spotlight. I haven't been able to feel out the turn on the end of the path, maybe i keep orienting myself incorrectly? So I decided to take the left path instead. The left path's first turn is 7 seconds in. I'm taking a break for now but I'll update this reply after any new finds. Good luck! EDIT: Managed the first turn on the right, you also want to walk it for 15 seconds.
100%, I remember seeing early pictures of this in a magazine I had as a kid and imagining what it'd be like to play a game as Courage. I was devastated when it stopped being shown and am glad this turned up so many years later!
I've done a lot, but I may finally be stuck. Got to the clock in the center of the room, crashed, then started over again. This time instead of jumping off in the area behind the wall, I explored the gray area more until I found the funeral room. Now I'm trying to figure out how to determine the path in the area with the mostly black nothingness between two white platforms.
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Figured out what the higher question mark in the chair area is. If you do the first 3 chairs normally and then use the high question mark and then continue from the 5th chair the puzzle will complete normally. Not sure what comes after that
Wait, what? I just confirmed that this works. Not sure why though. Might have something to do with the possible letter inputs. Maybe after each letter you need to hit the higher question mark to "lock in" the letter or something? The first 3 chairs seem to make the letter V though, and that isn't in the phrase OLDWIND, so I'm at a loss. Here's an image of the chair puzzle I made btw. Might help.
Edit: Messed around with it some more and couldn't get it to make a correct noise except during that very specific circumstance. Makes me think that it's just an accidental duplicate of the 4th chair's question mark. Has the same height and everything. Would explain why it disappears after the puzzle is complete since all of them do. Still no answer for what the lower question mark is though.
the accidental duplicate of the 4th chair is exactly the conclusion i came too, hopefully we're both wrong and it actually does something because that's kinda lame :(
This really brings back memories. One of my favorite cartoons on one of my favorite gaming consoles. Nice Job! Thanks for the nostalgia.
can't wait for more to come...keep it up guys the BEST NOSTALGIC moment I had today ! 10/10
Begone shittuber.
Begone shittuber.
very cute
So wait, is the game you found a prototype ps1 game that never saw the light of day or a fan made thing?
Just found another save file
// spoilers
By editing the sav file to use the phrase "Do You", you'll appear in a greybox version of the house. Not sure what to do yet. Seems like the only thing you can interact with is the computer over and over.
Nice finding! How did you find it? Or did you just tried to insert it at random?
If so how did you edit it? Which program did you use?
We already knew most of the sav phrases, so I started up the game and on the main menu used cheat engine to search for any uses of one of those strings and looked around in the memory nearby to find it.
As for editing the sav file, you can use a hex editor like HxD to open the file and near the bottom you'll find an English string depending on which part of the game you're at. New saves don't have these strings, so you'll have to get to another scene like the void room with the hidden paths (the string will be "The Time") and edit the file then.
Can I ask you what you mean with "editing the sav file"? Did you Just write the words in the save file in a specific Place or have you done something else?
You can use a hex editor like HxD to open the file and near the bottom you'll find an English string depending on which part of the game you're at. New saves don't have these strings, so you'll have to get to another scene like the void room with the hidden paths (the string will be "The Time") and edit the file then.
Thanks bro
I'm a touch closer than anything listed here to finding the secret fifth .sav ending. Got the first middle question mark, in the circle chairs room, to not make the "wrong answer" sound. I need a break though... feels like I've been at this for 24 hours
Mind sharing how you did that? Did you use the OLDWIND letters as input? If so, which chair did you use to start each letter?
DATA MISSING in Black Site chair puzzle.
Left Path.
To sum up where we are so far and what has yet to be figured out...
// spoilers
I am going to assume that you're able to figure out the house intro and chair puzzle on your own for this summary.
First, I'm gonna talk about the sav files. You can find your save file at C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\CourageOW\Saved\SaveGames . When the game crashes at various points, it'll update the Courage.sav file so that next time you start the game, you'll be in the new location. If you open the sav files in a hex editor, most are pretty much identical except for an English string at the bottom. So far the strings we've found are "The Time", "Was Good", "I Don't", and "When The World". We haven't figured out what to do with these strings yet.
The intro screen when you load a new save file tells us that there are 3 data missing scenes to find. We have found all 3.
An interesting note about the sav files of the 3 data missing scenes is that before the usual string, all of them contain the strings "And Fair?" and "BeforeTheStorm". We also haven't figured out what to do with these.
The first data missing screen was found by Bryce Bucher. To find it, complete the house intro and chair puzzle as normal. Then go through the hidden wall (follow the bird sounds) and jump off the side. You will spawn in the house with no furniture. The sav file for this scene contains the string "Was Good". Optionally, you can choose to wait here and you'll eventually hear some Morse code. Otherwise, go upstairs, interact with the door, and then when you go back downstairs there will be a grandfather clock in the middle of the room. Be sure to JUMP OVER THE RAILING into the room instead of just walking down the stairs. If you just walk down the stairs, the clock will chime 12 times and the game will crash. However, if you jump over the railing, the clock won't start chiming and you can interact with the door in the back of the house to get the first data missing screen.
The Morse code during this sequence translates to "Learn The Way Of The Old Wind". We don't know what this means yet, but it is worth noting that the phrase "Old Wind" is pretty important. The game itself is called CourageOW (we think OW stands for Old Wind) and there is also a file in CourageOW/PortFiles/Data/Logs/..txt that says "She followed the rules He broke the rules The O██ W███ was all the way to the right". And we believe the censored words are Old Wind. Side note: If you open the README file it says "When you find a dead end Just erase time", but we're pretty sure that just means that when your save is unusable (you found a data missing screen), delete your sav file.
The second and third data missing screens are both found by going to the end of the two hidden paths in the void room. To get to the void room, do the house intro and chair puzzle and then go to the end of the hidden wall path to interact with a hidden ? . Then go north of the chairs to find a portrait of Muriel and interact with it. After the game crashes, you'll spawn in the void room. The sav string for this room is "The Time".
In this room, there are two invisible paths off the NW and SE of the start. As found by duckenheimer, if you run the background music through a spectrogram, you'll get a map of the invisible paths. However, they're incredibly difficult to follow with lots of turns and long paths in the dark. TheBeardeDude found that you can use a program called Reshade to see the invisible paths by shading the display depth.
Following the SE path, you'll end up at a light that, when interacted with, will teleport you to a pitch black room with a locked camera. If you walk forward, you'll find the front face of the house (kind of like a cardboard cutout of the front of the house) and behind it is a portrait of Robert Wheeler. Interacting with that will crash your game and update your sav file with the string "I Don't". You'll spawn in the house, but it's very dark. Going upstairs will start a cutscene of a ghost creature (with I believe Robert Wheeler's face) moving towards you. Then you get the next data missing screen.
Following the NW path, you'll end up at the chair under the spotlight. Interacting with it will crash your game and update your sav file with the string "When the World". You'll spawn in the house with a bunch of coins scattered about. Collecting some of them will slow the music and some HUD with Muriel as player 2 will appear. Then, after collecting all the coins, her portrait will darken and the music will slow even more. Then the game crashes and the last data missing screen appears.
If you brighten the 3 data missing images, there are hidden phrases that says "Father wasn't home", "Mr Wheeler was there to greet me", and "It was her Eleanor". We don't know what to do with these yet either.
I'm sure there is more stuff in the game since if you open the .pak file in a hex editor, you'll find references to a sprite called "OldWindPendant" which we haven't found yet. The only place in the game that I can think of that hasn't been full explored yet is in the chair puzzle room, there is an invisible ? near where you spawn. (There are actually 2 there when you spawn, but the higher one disappears after you do the chair puzzle which leads me to believe that the higher one is actually the one behind the hidden wall that moves after the puzzle is completed). We don't know what the lower ? at the beginning does.
Edit: I realized that the OldWindPendant sprite may actually be referring to the coins. With that in mind, the design on the coins is the same as the design on the floor under the chair puzzle. It's possible to use this design to spell out the letters OLDWIND by selecting the chairs in the right order. However, it's not easy to figure out what that order is since there are chairs missing, and the starting point for each letter is unclear.
If anyone is able to figure the order out, leave a comment! It may also have something to do with the invisible ? at the beginning.
Edit2: Editing the sav file to use the phrase "Remember" loads (what seems to be) a new save instead of hanging on the loading screen. Because of that, I'm pretty sure the full phrase relating to the sav files is "Remember The Time BeforeTheStorm When The World Was Good And Fair? I Don't". Tried editing the sav file to use that phrase, but it just loads the same as a "Remember" sav since I think the way the save system works is that it checks from the beginning of the string and loads whichever phrase comes first. So, we also need to figure out what to do with that phrase.
Edit3: Sometimes the sav file from the 2nd data missing screen will also include the word "No", so it's possible that that word is included in the phrase.
Edit4: NeitherNathan has just posted on Twitter that there will be an update to the "port". It's possible that we've discovered all there is to see in the current version due to the phrasing in the follow up tweet that says "I can't believe you all discovered everything so fast", but I think there's still a bit to figure out with the OLDWIND chair input, invisible ?, and sav phrase.
For anyone unfamiliar with ReShade, here's a quick tutorial on how to get the shader effects needed to take on the void map:
- download ReShade from their site at
- run the installer, and "Click here to select a game and manage its ReShade installation"
- click Browse and select the .exe located in the Binaries folder:
- when asked to select a rendering API, choose Direct3D 10/11/12
- SweetFX should be selected by default, but in case it isn't make sure it's selected before pressing OK, and OK again to confirm the shaders included. ReShade is now installed!
- Run CourageOW and start up the void map. You should see a ReShade banner on-screen now. Press Home to open ReShade and skip the tutorial to show the list of available shaders. Select DisplayDepth (DisplayDepth.fx).
- This only seems to work in windowed mode, so if your game is fullscreen press F11 to switch and that should work:
You can also get a little bit more screen space by switching "Show Both (Vertical 50/50)" to "Normal Map".
Hope this helps.
Awesome, where did you get the Remember phrase idea?
I was trying to piece together the sav phrases and came up with "The time before the storm, when the world was good and fair? I don't [remember it]", so I tried a sav file with "Remember It" and it worked. Then I found out that the phrase is just "Remember" and you can type anything after the phrase and it'll still accept it. Also just found out that sometimes the sav file for the 2nd missing data screen includes the word "No", so the complete phrase may include that as well.
Mr. Wheeler was there to greet me, father wasn't home, it was her: Eleanor.
(Edit) Talking about the lore of the game, i think that using the cheat engine and spectrogram to see the street in the dark room with the chair so "Think outside the box" is a reference to a specific episode where Courage and Muriel got sucked into Computer when he had a virus. I use He because the Computer in the series have an Identity, he can talk and give advice to Courage. In that episode Courage become 3D model in a creepy way. Another detail is that when he got destroyed by the minions of the Virus, Courage "Think outside the box" and transform the bit that compose himself into a spike mace club to bonk all the evil minions of Virus. It's just a theory but i'think it's funny. Hard drive dog is the name of the episode. Season 3, episode 4.
I found a mansion on the right path in the spotlight area
this route led to another data missing screen with this image

// spoiler
On 18/08/2021 a guy called TheBeardeDude was able to use reshade to make visible the way to go to the chair . After that, the game crashes and when you re-open it you go back to the home when there are coins, and after you collect a certain number of them a second player enters that has the same image of Muriel that you could find at the second stage ( that one with the chairs ) and when you collect all of them you get a data missing image. That when increasing the contrast you see this
It seems to say "It was Eleonor"
TheBeardeDude Livestream:
Yotobi's Livestream:
P.S.: TheBeardeDude made the Livestream so that Yotobi (An Italian streamer and YouTuber) could reach the chair.
(Sorry for any grammatical mistakes, as you could have probably guessed I'm Italian).
We made it #GianniFantoni
It's coming Rome
il cielo è azzurro sopra Twich
Roma riconquisterà il mondo, ed il nostro Cesare sarà Yotobi.
It cool
if you wanna kinda cheat there is a way with reshade to see the pattern of the room with the 2 dot of lights. just use reshade on the game and turn on displaydepth.(discovered by a fan of that is
wow this is a game changer thanks for posting
np just did what was right
go check yotobi's live if u wanna see some progress (its in italian tho)
Using this method, I got the next data missing screen.
// spoilers
If you take the path to the right, you'll eventually get to a light that teleports you to a dark room. If you walk straight through the dark room, you'll come across this house
You have to go around the back, and you'll find this image of Eustace
Interacting with it will crash your game and next time you spawn you'll be in a dark version of the house (I have a copy of this save file)
Going upstairs, you'll get a cutscene of a ghost thing running at you
And then you get the 2nd data missing (I have a copy of this save file too). If you brighten the image, you get the message "Mr. Wheeler was there to greet me"
The sav string for the dark house is "I Don't" and the data missing sav has the same "And Fair? BeforeTheStorm" string that the other data missing sav has before the I Don't string.
And if you follow the other path here's what happens:
// spoilers
After you interact with the chair, you're put into the house with a bunch of coins (The string for this sav file is "When The World")
After you collect some of the coins, Muriel appears in the top right as P2 and the music gets weird
And then after you get all the coins (there are some in the computer room), Muriel's portrait darkens and the music gets weirder.
And then you get the missing data screen that when brightened says "it was her Eleanor"
Again, the data missing sav file has the same "When The World" string but with the BeforeTheStorm bit before it.
Interestingly, if you try to change the sav file of any of the missing data savs, most strings will load with the "it was her Eleanor" data missing scene. My guess is that this data missing scene is also the fallback for any corrupted savs that include the BeforeTheStorm bit.
where is the save file stored?
AppData is a hidden folder by default, so you either need to enable showing hidden folders in windows or type %appdata% into your windows search bar to open it up.
in "Appdata"
I'm trying to get past the area with all of the chairs in the circle. Is there anything specific I need to do? I also read something in a readme file that said if you come to a dead end then rewind time. How do you do that? Any help would be appreciated as I'm trying to find the seemingly inaccessible levels that you mentioned.
there is a wall that is not solid
you have to interact with the chairs in a specifical order, that's indicated by the line on the ground
Thanks for the tip. It's a little harder than I expected. Can you give me a hint on where on the line to start and which direction it goes? I tried multiple times but can't get past it.
sorry, I've read right now.
Anyway, if you still need it... You have to follow to interact with the chairs following the line inside the circle. First interact with the chair at the beginning of the first segment, then with the chair at the end of the first segment, then follow the second segment and so on, until you interact with the chair at the end of the last segment. Sorry, i don't know how to be clearer than this
I made 2 screenshots :P

"we totally found this in an old hard drive"
source : bro, BRO!
// spoiler
I Found the Same [MISSING DATA] Room everyone here is also talking about. Here's how to get to it, Make sure to follow EXACTLY.
Once in the room without furniture, wait until the music stops completely before using the door upstairs, Once it stops, Use the door. Next head downstairs by JUMPING OVER THE RAILING of the stair case and head to the door behind the clock in the back on the right. It is important that the clock does not start chiming, jumping over the railing does not cause it to chime.
I also am making a series on this on my channel and the first video will be uploaded soon whenever I find time.
I found the data missing one in the Was Good room, altho I was not able to recreate it. The save file had new words in it. I am guessing you have to formulate the words in the save file into a full sentence to access new room(s). Maybe it is how you fix the data missing room(s)? I am going to be so I wont be trying it now.
Also the game never tells you that you are looking for muriel and eustac specifically, it says "Find Them" and shows 3 dog paws that are next to courage's icon.
We can easily assume that muriel and eustace take up 2 of those 3 dog prints. There is also supposedly 3 data missing rooms with a logical way to access. It is fun exploring this game and figuring out the puzzles, but none of it compares to how much I wonder what/who the 3rd missing person is
//More Puzzle Spoilers!
I noticed the background music on the level with the chair in the spotlight sounded like the outro to an Aphex Twin song. So I recorded it and ran it through an audio spectrum visualizer, hoping there would be hidden information in the audio.
Not sure if it's actually a map of the area or something else yet.
what aphex twin song is it reminiscent of?
Window Licker
also, Look by Venetian Snares
some of text Document have message the README file say
When you find a dead end Just erase time
and one that in the CourageOW\PortFiles\Data\Logs folder say
She followed the rules
He broke the rules
The O██ W███ was all the way to the right
censor words is moist likely the Old Wind
More interesting notes, in the save files there are various little sentence fragments that can be assembled to form the sentence "Before The Storm The Time Was Good And Fair?" I have no idea what this information could be useful for but I reckon it'd be appropriate to share.
//Puzzle Spoilers
Found a [DATA MISSING] room. Here are the steps:
1. Go through the motions in the original house on a fresh save.
2. Do the chair pentagram puzzle thingy.
3. Go into the hallway with the bird sounds (behind invisible wall).
4. Fall off the edge WITHOUT interacting with the question mark at the end of the bird hallway (I'm not entirely sure you don't have to press the question mark, but it worked for me).
5. Once the game closes open it back up and you will be in the living room without any furniture. At this point, wait around until some morse code plays and the music stops. (btw the morse code translates to "Learn The Way Of The Old Wind").
6.After the music stops go upstairs and interact with the door and go back down, there should now be a clock in the middle of the living room. Walk around it and interact with the green door at the back of the room. You will now be at a screen that says [DATA MISSING]. Idk what to do past this. You have to delete your save to return.
Thank you for the morse translation, I took entirely too long to locate a pen and paper to document it when I reached this point earlier!
Awesome find! Following your instructions, I wasn't able to interact with the door though. The clock just chimes 12 times and then the game crashes and goes back as if it were a new save.
I think you have to interact with the door on the second floor after waiting for the music to fade out, then when the clock appears interact with the back door before it starts chiming.
Theres Another Way And Its Jumping Over The Rail
almost there
I've been able to reach much further on the right path, a text file in the logs folder led me to the right, its very difficult to stay straight on the path due to the camera control however i did see a glimpse of another area down the right path the chair may be a red herring
Yeah, I've seen that as well. If you line yourself with the middle of the other path and use q to make sure you're going in a straight path and keep jumping as you go forward you'll have some weird timed jumps and eventually see something slightly off to the left side of the screen as you start to fall into the abyss.
oh i hadnt even tried jumping, ive been facing back to the starting circle to judge distance and have a pretty good idea of the limit of that path. im taking a break for now so maybe a jump from that end could lead to something. the note in the logs folder leads me to believe right is the correct path but the "she followed the rules; he broke the rules" could also mean that courage (he) is meant to "break the rules" and go down the left path
Also, duckenheimer pointed out that you can use a spectrogram app and put it up to your speaker and you get a map. Lets use the waddle technique to count how many waddles until each turn on the map. The thing you are seeing to the left (as shown in the video) is probably the exit arrow on the map.
EDIT: The start square is 10 waddles.
EDIT 2: I can confirm the map is legit although graphically its not 1-1 pixel perfect. 17 waddles left, 14 forward, 10 waddles left seems to work so far. I haven’t tested Right yet.
Amazing work! I'm currently trying to walk the right path however im having a hard time counting waddles so im using a stopwatch on my phone as a metric. So far it seems the first section of the right path falls off pretty much right at 15 seconds from the edge of the spotlight. I haven't been able to feel out the turn on the end of the path, maybe i keep orienting myself incorrectly? So I decided to take the left path instead. The left path's first turn is 7 seconds in. I'm taking a break for now but I'll update this reply after any new finds. Good luck!
EDIT: Managed the first turn on the right, you also want to walk it for 15 seconds.
There are many secrets in the game. But tell me: was this game really a PSX project?
100%, I remember seeing early pictures of this in a magazine I had as a kid and imagining what it'd be like to play a game as Courage. I was devastated when it stopped being shown and am glad this turned up so many years later!
I've done a lot, but I may finally be stuck. Got to the clock in the center of the room, crashed, then started over again. This time instead of jumping off in the area behind the wall, I explored the gray area more until I found the funeral room. Now I'm trying to figure out how to determine the path in the area with the mostly black nothingness between two white platforms.
I tried messing with my screen gamma and changing my system clock, but no luck there.
I love this game